Financial Forms & Guides

Troop Resources

  • Troop Operating Budget Worksheet (PDF) (Excel)

Scout Accounts

Each Scout family has a ‘Scout Account’ into which funds may be deposited and from which costs may be paid or reimbursed for. A single account exists for multiple family members.

The troop uses your Scout Account for:

  • Deposits by parents/guardians
  • Allocate and manage proceeds from Troop-sponsored fundraising activities
  • Pay for Scouting-related costs and fees

Scouts and parents may use the Scout Account for:

  • Program costs (recharter, etc.)
  • Outing costs (monthly outings, summer camp, high adventure, etc.)
  • Scouting costs (uniforms, Eagle Scout Court of Honor costs, etc.)
  • To the extent permitted by BSA, Eagle Scout Service Projects
  • Camping equipment (for Scout use)
  • Other reasonable costs approved by the Troop committee

Funds accumulate directly from deposits or fundraising activities (Martin’s cards, poinsettia sales, etc.)

A Scout who “ages out” and then registers as an adult leader has the option to keep his Scout Account open to pay for future costs of Scouting.


Related Forms

The Campership Fund is financial aid to help pay for the costs of Scouting due to financial need or hardship. The fund is available for only qualified, active, registered, youth Scouts.

Campership Fund