Life to Eagle

You are ready to take the next step. Congratulations!

Anytime after becoming a Life Scout, you may begin the work on your Eagle project. This project must be approved by the Scoutmaster and the troop committee before work can begin. Please contact the Scoutmaster to start the process of approval.

You must complete the Eagle Scout Workbook project approval pages and receive approval from the Scoutmaster, and the Committee Chair, and the Carroll District Advancement Chair or Eagle Project representative before starting the project.

Once everything has been approved, and updated, you may start your project. Please note that you must submit the Eagle Project Fundraising form for approval as well.

Once your project is complete and approved by the Scoutmaster and the District Eagle representative, you will need to complete the Eagle Scout application. This needs to be signed by the Scoutmaster and the Committee Chair. The application is then forwarded to the Council for verification. Once the application is verified as complete, the Eagle Board of Review can be scheduled.

Once the Eagle Board of Review is held and approved, the application goes back to Council to be forwarded to National. Once the approval is received from National, your Court of Honor can be scheduled.

Please refer to the Baltimore Area Council web site for links to forms and useful resources for Life to Eagle.

This booklet will help you plan as you advance from Life to Eagle: BAC LtE Guide Feb 2014 rev E